
@StormyRawr it was amazing see MT and it was at the Journey's Backyard Tour and they were the main act of the festival and thanks for the instructions on how to GT after concerts.


@Forever_A_OG_Ghost MT has such powerful and amazing songs, also really goofy ones too. (: No problamo! Us fellow Ghosts have to help each other out to the best of our abilities. c: I'm sure you'll meet them after concert no matter what because you'll hear fan girling coming from a direction. Then you know, they're that way. (: 


@Forever_A_OG_Ghost I plan on seeing them again next time they come through. (: How was it seeing Marianas Trench? Was it just them or were there other bands too? (: You will love seeing Ghost Town. Once the concert is over, go over to the merch table and they will probably be there. They will spend a long while there for their fans. <3