
Rediscovers the Marvel Universe after seeing Endgame and falling in love with Captain American all over again. More chapter's coming soon!


How could someone I thought was so nice, turn out to be so angry? I thought he was maybe even the one for me, because he morphed himself into the perfect puzzle piece for me. But now, after miscommunication, neither of  us can apologize for the sake of pride? I'm not angry at anyone but myself, for fooling myself into thinking something in my life could actually work out. To any broken hearted girl out there, I know how you feel.


Hey Guys! I have a new obsession! Assassin's Creed! I have played the first and second one and really liked it but the third one is by far one of my favorite out them all. It's probably because I'm a American Revolution fangirl. I found this really great story, It's called Assassin's Creed III: Together by @TheACGirl! You guys need to check it out.
          Luv ya!


@Khajiit14 yew it was really good too


Oh my god, thank you so much for recommending! It helps me a lot and makes me want to write more ❤️ xx -Becky 