
I’m baaaaaaaaack :)


I just read your book Bullet, and oh my goodness the journey that book took me on. I was feeling so many emotions and conflicting feelings. All intensified because my name is Callie too, sometimes I really got sucked in, because of your amazing writing, not the shared name. I felt like I was there with the characters. It was truly an amazing read! Let me know if you ever publish this, I will be first in line to buy a copy!


                 I will be honest. I have read thousands of books in my life, becuz I am an avid reader. But your book "Bullet" truly hit home. Not only becuz it was a perfect combination of different topics, but the way you put everything together was beautiful. Plz keep such good books!


Hey @SimplyxJess, 
          I really enjoyed reading your book called bullet because I think it really does teaches about do not judge a book by cover or the ways that it simply looks Because people can surprise a lot of us. 
          And we should all take time to consider everyone feeling because who knows what will happen next or they might do something that change someone else.
          Lastly, it’s kinda of like a chain reaction because every action has consequences.


Hey Jess! 
          Okay so I recently wrote my very first book here on wattpad and would love a feedback from an established author. Can you please check it out? It should be up on my profile, it’s called ‘Elle’s King’.
          Thankyou! Xx.