
To everyone who reads, votes and comments on my books, thank you thank you thank you <3


Would you guys like a werewolf book?


Check out Chance Encounter on this page then!


Hi guys, 
          this pride month, I'd like to spread awareness about (and would like YOU to spread awareness about) gender queerness, gender fluidity, being transgender and everything gender-related. Because if who you love (sexuality) is an essential part of you, then who you are (gender) is the basis of your whole existence. 
          There are an enormous number of people out there who are forced and who force themselves to fit the gender that their sex corresponds them to, since birth. And it's a huge struggle: First, to accept yourself as you are. Then, to go through people rejecting you. 
          Transphobia is a real thing, people. And it hurts like daggers to hear people throw homophobic/transphobic slurs around— either jokingly or as abusives. 
          So, if you are reading this and are dealing with this, I'm here for you. My inbox is always available. And hey, I'm so flipping proud of you.
          And if you are reading this and know somebody who is dealing with this, please try to be there for them. Keep your inbox available to them. And tell them you are proud of them. Urge them to go on and live with pride.
          Have an amazing month, people. And try to make it amazing for others too. 
          I love you.