
I write a lot? Yes. But do I post? No. Because I am afraid of criticism. People in my life and myself have caused this. Insecurity. Fear. So I don't post much. I hate comments unless  it's my friends screaming at me because I made a bad decision in a book. But, I do love writing, reading. So if anyone has any book recommendations I take all. Love- Your Problem


We yell at you not because it's a bad decision but because we don't like the decision 


I write a lot? Yes. But do I post? No. Because I am afraid of criticism. People in my life and myself have caused this. Insecurity. Fear. So I don't post much. I hate comments unless  it's my friends screaming at me because I made a bad decision in a book. But, I do love writing, reading. So if anyone has any book recommendations I take all. Love- Your Problem


We yell at you not because it's a bad decision but because we don't like the decision 