
Hey there!
          	So, I've been making some moves. Yep, I went ahead and took down all the chapters from one of my books, gave it a shiny new title... and as for when it's making a comeback? Well, let's just say you'll have to hang tight until next year.
          	And you know what? I'm calling it quits on the whole "gift" spiel with every release. I mean, who's really vibing with that? Not me, that's for sure. From here on out, it's all about the mystery, the magic, behind-the-scenes on my imaginary stage.
          	By the way, have you ever checked out my poem "Why do I keep acting?" in one of my poetry books? Nah, don't worry about it.
          	So, it's time to buckle down and focus on what I've been itching to do. Farewell to my imaginary stage, farewell to all of you in my imaginary audience! I'm gonna miss you all a ton!
          	Catch you on the other side,


Hey there!
          So, I've been making some moves. Yep, I went ahead and took down all the chapters from one of my books, gave it a shiny new title... and as for when it's making a comeback? Well, let's just say you'll have to hang tight until next year.
          And you know what? I'm calling it quits on the whole "gift" spiel with every release. I mean, who's really vibing with that? Not me, that's for sure. From here on out, it's all about the mystery, the magic, behind-the-scenes on my imaginary stage.
          By the way, have you ever checked out my poem "Why do I keep acting?" in one of my poetry books? Nah, don't worry about it.
          So, it's time to buckle down and focus on what I've been itching to do. Farewell to my imaginary stage, farewell to all of you in my imaginary audience! I'm gonna miss you all a ton!
          Catch you on the other side,


greetings, everyone!!!
          i'd like to invite all of you again to join our valentines contest! we have amazing prices waiting for all of you! join now and have a chance to be posted on our official book club in wattpad! this is your chance to be known!!!! 
          more details on the link below:
          join now or else... :3


To all in witness,
          On January 26th, I announced my intention to go on hiatus, but to my own surprise, the very next day, I found myself releasing a poem titled "◉⊙Beneath the Shadows⊙◉" in my poetry book, "Inceptive Moments." Then, on February 4th, I published a short story titled "This time, the Campsite Doorway" for a prompt activity featured in my book "Short Story Collection 1." Today; 4 days after Val, I released another poem, "✿Embrace of Self✿," entering it into a Val writing contest within my newest book, "Inner Embrace - Poetry." So, when will I finally put an end to this pattern? Well, if I tell you it starts from March 1st, would you believe me? Haha—what's wrong with me, indeed?
          ◉⊙Beneath the Shadows⊙◉
          This time, the Campsite Doorway
          ✿Embrace of Self✿
          What's next? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh, I nearly overlooked it—before we part ways, I have a parting gift for all of you. As it turns out, the new poem, titled ◉⊙Beneath the Shadows⊙◉ has already been published. But hold on, the excitement doesn't end there—another delightful surprise heading your way. I'm eager for you to revel in the enjoyment of it all!


Dear followers and cherished readers,
          I trust this message finds you in good health. Unfortunately, I must inform you that due to personal commitments, specifically exam preparations, I am required to take a temporary hiatus from my work on Wattpad throughout the entire year of 2024.
          I have every intention of resuming my writing journey in 2025, fully revitalized and excited to share with you new chapters and an improved version of my creative work. Please be aware that during this period, I won't be actively present, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
          Your understanding and patience mean a great deal to me as I navigate this temporary absence. I express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support, and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you in the coming year.
          Best regards,


@Sin_Sara298 It's a delight and a pleasure :)


@del-elle-stories Thanks a lot for your warm wishes! It means a ton. I'll give my best in the exams and also make sure to recharge. Having friends like you cheering me on makes a big difference! Yes, it felt like from a dear friend. :)


@Sin_Sara298 All the best for your exams and hope that you are able to take time to recharge.


Beyond the Binding Book Club.
          Founder extraordinaire, @LyreVega, is the driving force behind the meticulous curation of our book community. With a supportive environment and a plethora of exciting activities and events, there's something for everyone. Don't miss out on the literary adventure – explore it for yourself!


(o゚v゚)ノHappy New Year's Eve, Dear Readers! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
          As we bid farewell to the last day of this year, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your support and enthusiasm for "Whispers of Yesterday" have made this journey truly remarkable.
          Before the clock strikes midnight and the calendar turns, let's take a moment to reflect on the adventures we've shared in the past year. May the coming year bring you joy, fulfillment, and countless moments of inspiration. May your dreams take flight, and may the pages of your own story be filled with adventure, love, and self-discovery.
          Let's embark on a new chapter together! But before we turn the page, get ready for an exclusive New Year gift. As a token of my appreciation, last part of Chapter 4 of "Whispers of Yesterday" is set to be unveiled shortly after this announcement.
          I hope you enjoy the final part of Chapter 4: The Flower and the River. The story is unfolding, and I can't wait for you to discover what lies ahead for our characters.
          Thank you for being part of this literary adventure. Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with love, creativity, and the magic of storytelling!