I'm probably never gonna be active on here again, these last few months have been hell and I become really isolated. Those friends I thought care I realise they moved on and don't anymore and it hurts, I been so stressed and anxious I highly avoid this app for that reason alone. My healing process is slow, but that's okay I realised people move on from me all the time if just hurts sometimes. It hurts a lot, but you just deal with that. If you want to keep up to date, I am on discord and tumblr now more often, comment below and I'll message you my details as soon as possible. I am okay with what wattpad gave me, but I see no point continuing on here anymore personally and that saddens me as I found so many people here I loved and cared for. Thank you anyways for everything. :-)
Whatever happens I personally don't know and its saddening, it makes me really depressed to think about actually. I accepted many things and I have accepted I am okay and meant to be alone, and that's okay. I don't mind it anymore, I might just use this as a venting page