
Wow. I made this account when I was 11 or 12 because I needed somewhere to express my imagination and I was a pretty shitty writer. I actually find some of my pieces on here humorous reading back over them right now. I do apologize for completely neglecting everything about Wattpad and I wonder if anyone is still around from back when I used to publish on here. I hope everyone is doing well in their lives and in their writing. I also hope that nobody judges me too hard for my pointless preteen writing :P Happy reading, happy writing! P.S. I used to be mellarkhawthorneluv which further proves my point that I was 11. That was literally a clever username I thought of.


Wow. I made this account when I was 11 or 12 because I needed somewhere to express my imagination and I was a pretty shitty writer. I actually find some of my pieces on here humorous reading back over them right now. I do apologize for completely neglecting everything about Wattpad and I wonder if anyone is still around from back when I used to publish on here. I hope everyone is doing well in their lives and in their writing. I also hope that nobody judges me too hard for my pointless preteen writing :P Happy reading, happy writing! P.S. I used to be mellarkhawthorneluv which further proves my point that I was 11. That was literally a clever username I thought of.


Hey everyone. So tonight I got the chance to read back over my notes and things for my story "You're Not Sorry" and I actually had a little time to update with a short chapter. I know I really neglected that story and didn't put the time I should have into it, and I feel awful for that, but if you even still want me to update more, please pm me or comment on it or on my message board! I've really appreciated all your guys' feedback and stuff and I love you all. I hope you guys understand that I really don't have much time on my hands, I just updated and it's currently 12:05 am... that gives you an idea of my schedule. I'm also considering coming back to "Just Like Her Father" my Hunger Games story. Please let me know how you feel! :)