
I'm working on the next chapter for 'Still I rise'. I'm a little stuck, so it might take a little longer than I thought. Sorry. Just as a reminder if any of you guys want me to read your stories don't hesitate to ask. I love reading new stories; it helps me grow as a writer :)


I'm working on the next chapter for 'Still I rise'. I'm a little stuck, so it might take a little longer than I thought. Sorry. Just as a reminder if any of you guys want me to read your stories don't hesitate to ask. I love reading new stories; it helps me grow as a writer :)


Thank you for the support! I love the fact that you all really like my story. I hope you all remain patient with me. I have a broken computer and can only write a few minutes a day at school. Ill upload as soon as I can :D xoxo