Soo, Howdy everyone It's been Awhile, you Probably know me as a Bunch of different Names, But Im known More so, As JayyInsanity, Im back!~
In November of this year will be 10 years ive been Writing, Short fanfiction stories, I was Fourteen, Im gonna just let that simmer a couple minutes before i say this last bit, tho if you can do simple math your pretty much going to understand this, Im 24 now, Have a computer again, and ready to write again, Now ill be honest, My current stories I Have NO INSPIRATION, atm to pick them back up, HOWEVER
I do want to write something Newish, Something I have seen alot coming out of, But not alot of Slow burn + Mature Fanfictions On it, So HOW would ya'll feel about a James Cameron Avatar Fanfic, and If so, What Character would you Like it to basically be about/Romantic Interest, Now if you all know me, I do tend to want side characters as well, and Usually it ends up with that character having some sort of impact in the story. So with that said, What would you Like to see from me? SinfulSanity in 2023