
I haven't posted on this message board for a while but, I wanted to announce that I have finally posted my new story. It was supposed to be yesterday but, life took me by surprise. I'd love to hear everyone's feedback and I hope you all enjoy 


Hey just got an idea. Expanding upon the last on i sent you regarding campus Amys future. Have you ever seen the movie lean on me? i think you should make a story where Amy is school principal of the very high school she went too in hopes to give kids a better childhood then she had in school and make the story similar to lean on me


You know there should be a bonus chapter in campus life 3. Showing everyone grown up and Amy becoming a counselor and an speaker or something for anti bullying. Taking everything shes learned from her experiences and realizing she isnt alone that there are those whose going through what shes gone through and decides shes wants to help them in the way Sonic did and offer them the hep her dad never let her have


@SinfullyRomantic It might depend on how well done it is. But a lot of people might miss the romance drama of it, so maybe if you do go through with that make it like one of those old fashion comedy shows like i love lucy. You know where some scene focuses on one duo and some on the other and some where both duos meet. In other words make it about Sonic, Scourge, Amy, and Rosy. Besides like i said those 4 living in the same house would definitely make for a good comedy show.
            Also while its up to you if you do this i definitely recommend making Amy a counselor and a voice for anti bullying. Cause that's sometimes the best way to heal of your own scars by helping others  with there scars, as well as trying too see too it that others have a better childhood then you did. Heck maybe even have her write a book about it which causes her to be famous. But again its up too you. I just thought  it would be a good idea and not mention help Amy fully heal.


I was still debating on making a spinoff series for the campus stories. I wasn’t sure if anyone would be into it. Keeping a core theme of the campus universe but more focused on Sonic and Scourge.  I do like the concept of Amy being a counselor too, especially after not having a good one during her college years


You know what would be funny? Is if campus life and medieval story did a crossover where medieval  Amy becomes campus Amy's mentor and Campus Sonic and medieval Sonic became friendly rivals. Oh and dont even get me started on how the Scourges and Rosys of each universe would react to each other. I know its probably not really funny funny but i just cant help but laugh at the thought.  But maybe its already happened? Maybe medieval story is just campus  Amy  dreaming about the person she wants to be namely medieval Amy and  medieval Sonic is how she pictures campus life Sonic in her mind. Then at the end she will wake up and it will be an interesting story to tell Sonic and the others about. LOL


@SinfullyRomantic Lol thanks and maybe. I guess will have to wait and find out. But your right that though that would be super cool. If you do decide to go with that you'll have no objections from me.


@BibleBubba20 ooooo that is such an awesome plot story!! Especially about Scourge and Rosy, I can already hear the banter LMAOO I think that's really cute about campus Amy thinking it in her head, especially with how her relationship is in the medieval version. Maybe the medieval story is Amy's personal lil fanfic >3>


If and when i get to writing fanfics again one of the things i want to do is write a story thats set in the pre reboot archie Sonic comics. Difference being is that the Bible will true in the story so there will be changes to the cannon such as Knuckles and his time in the after life( in short it never happens in my story). Story will be that humanity almost dies through nuclear disaster and the survivors use animal DNA to mutant themselves into mobians to survive, others get mutated into a breed of humans called overlanders because of the nuclear effects but are still essentially  human,  only few humans remain pure blood humans. At the start the mobians and overlanders become so cut off from the humans  and there past that they forget the human domian and go back to the stone age. But then they get ahold of the chaos emeralds and while they do intectllually advance  they dont morally. But then some human Christain missionaries come and share the gosple with them and things change for the better. Strangely enough the mobians are more receiving of the gospel then the overlanders. However a group of humans and mobians who hated the Bible banded together to wipe out Christianity, as a result Christianty is mostly forgotten expect by a few. Then one day Sonic learns about Jesus and gives His life to Him and the Bible and leads many to Christ. But the mobians arent as accpecting of Christianity this time around. In fact due to the hostilely towards overlanders and that humans and overlanders can be easliy misaken one for another many mobian call Christianty an overlanders religion. Theres more too it then this but this is about the gist of it. What do you think ?


I got a message to Amy in campus life along with all other bullying victims. Those who ask why they do what they do. 
          Its got nothing to do with you. They were/are just bullies who get a kick out of causing other people pain and in there eyes you were just an easy target. There the broken ones not you.


By the way i know you havent finshed medevil story. But i think i already know the moral of that story 
          " You cant fight darkness with darkness, it only causes more darkness". 
          Definely looking forward to seeing the rest of that story too btw


@SinfullyRomantic Regardless im still looking forward to seeing the rest of the stories


I was going for a different moral for that story. But I’m definitely gonna keep up with that story. And I was planning on making a sequel for it too. I kind of also been thinking of turning my stories into comics, for a visual effect. But my art gotta improve first lol


Good job on your recent chapters. I think the moral of this story is " If you dont have trust and faith in a relationship, you dont have anything".


@SinfullyRomantic No disrespect but i dont think theres anything left to repair. Amy and Sonic both messed up and theres no fixing things. What needs to happen is they need to both accpect there share of the blame, apologize, and forgive each other. Then they take all the good memories pf what they had before and use them to build somthing new and better. Sonic then makes a new and better promise then what he made before and likewise Amy makes a promise of her own. And there friends show there support by apologizing to Sonic for being such jerks to him and help Amy to be more independent the right way.


@BibleBubba20 Thank you so much for this <333. Yes, you are correct. This trilogy was meant to repair Sonic and Amy's relationship from grade school. Because of their rocky start in college, it was hard to build trust and with people like Sally, or Mark, or Elias, it was hard to have faith.


When will the next chapters of your stories be ready ?


I’m sorry for this giant delay. My laptop charger blew out on me during my moving process. I won’t be able to get a new one until the end of this month. Part of the chapter is written already but all my notes were on that laptop I definitely haven’t abandoned the stories. I will be back 