ey it's Sharia and ik what Yuh thinking I'm here for something mean.I just wanna apolligise for beeing mean I thought your friends was someone else and I really didn't know.u atall but yes I'm sorry for being MEA. you guys aren't the people I mistaked you for. and youre is not the same person I thought ypu was. I mistaked you for somebody else name Sergio and I thought squad was a bunch of mean people from my school. you weren't them my pro pics were not of me they were from a profile on deviantart. Sorry and yes my real name is Sharia but my last name isn't Minkoff. it's close to dat doh. but yes I thought you guys was somebody else who goes my school but you don't and I thought that Sergio went my school he doesnt
@shariaminkof___f its okay I never hated you and I never will hate you so you were always forgiven