
          	Every second that passed by near the clock that's hung on the wall, the more he felt the three canine's presence like a dagger that's pressing behind his back. Even though they were merely looking at him just as nervously as he was, he couldn't help but feel antsy and assume that they were silently judging him — overthinking whether they could see right through his facade.
          	After awhile, the lady had lowered the landline telephone and faced him, her expression appearing solemn as she broke the news.
          	"..What do you mean it's not here?"
          	got hit with a wave of motivation to write and fill in the gaps of this chapter for cwio3. decided to unwind from my readings my major subject, aaand here we are :> i believe i hadnt updated it ever since october 2024 (gosh, it's been so long already qwq) butttt even if its just a smol addition + mainly polishing, am proud that it's making progress wwww i also fear that the snippet above is part of a chapter with the highest word count i've ever personally achieved... ANW dat iz all, me sleep now, got classes tommo..... bai.


@Singularity_Writes heyyyyyyyyy
          	  You're back :D


          Every second that passed by near the clock that's hung on the wall, the more he felt the three canine's presence like a dagger that's pressing behind his back. Even though they were merely looking at him just as nervously as he was, he couldn't help but feel antsy and assume that they were silently judging him — overthinking whether they could see right through his facade.
          After awhile, the lady had lowered the landline telephone and faced him, her expression appearing solemn as she broke the news.
          "..What do you mean it's not here?"
          got hit with a wave of motivation to write and fill in the gaps of this chapter for cwio3. decided to unwind from my readings my major subject, aaand here we are :> i believe i hadnt updated it ever since october 2024 (gosh, it's been so long already qwq) butttt even if its just a smol addition + mainly polishing, am proud that it's making progress wwww i also fear that the snippet above is part of a chapter with the highest word count i've ever personally achieved... ANW dat iz all, me sleep now, got classes tommo..... bai.


@Singularity_Writes heyyyyyyyyy
            You're back :D


i am scared i might not finish cwio.3 ever...
          i might just write snippets of it if i truly give up..
          (hoping still that i could still finish it.. aaaa,,,)


@Singularity_Writes come on come on athee you can do it 
            as a very close friend once told me :
            o p t i m i s m


You can finish it, no matter how long it takes, i and many others will always be here waiting and supporting you no matter what the decision is ^w^ the only thing that really matters is that you’re comfortable and certain with whatever choice ^w^ 


Ok school started and i going to make a book called the "NARA NARA Project "but....
          I have my idea but i am terrible writer, I just can't write so I will being using ai. This book will be first one and I am scared for my life and reputation. When i read your books it gives me courage. It's gonna be hard and probably take me a looooooong time to upload it. why I am telling you all this  I may ask myself,  well I'm just trying to say thank you to all the people that helped me mentally  make this book. I'm even wondering why chose to write this but YEAH why not so THANK YOU  :D


I'm not making it, Just wait and you'll see something


eyoo!! that's pleasant to hearrrr!! im glad i've encouraged you to write a book yourself, but i encourage you to not rely on ai too much!! everyone starts out as a terrible writer, me included!! so i encourage you to write the story on your own and see where the journey may take you~! ai can be very helpful too, in a way that it gives you some ideas on your stories, so utilize it if you will! but writing it yourself, despite just beginning still, is such a fun experience. i wish you luck on your writing journey!! and if it helps, you can ask me about some questions regarding writing and i'll try to answer it to the best of my ability.
            again, im cheering for you!!! i hope your book goes well~! xoxo


Hey everyonee! Happy New Year!! I haven't been active in awhile, but I'd like to drop by and greet you all — to my friends, readers, and new people or even passerbys. I hope whoever reads this will have a good year, or at least start it easy. I know life's been crazy, but just know that I am proud of you. How am I so sure of that, you may ask? "You don't even know me personally!" Well perhaps I dont. But I know for sure is that you've survived a whole 'nother year and is welcoming a new year into your life — that's something. Something admirable. As we now step into the land of a new year, I'd like to congratulate and wish everyone luck. Here's to another year! I hope all your wishes and endeavors come true! 
          Signing out for 2024,
          ~ Catherine


@Singularity_Writes Thanks and same to you, HAPPY NEW YEAR