
I know, I was absent for a long time... I'm a little ashamed of myself because I promised I would come back...
          	But this time I will seriously return, I'm not sure yet when I will return, probably in the summer but I have no certainty.
          	I just want to inform you that I will not continue the old stories, they are practically irrecoverable, and I have totally lost the imagination for those stories.
          	At school during substitute hours or during breaks I write stories that come to mind, I think I'll write those stories on Whattpad.
          	These stories are about the ships in the Honkai:Star Rail video game.
          	Maybe I'll write some other stories of a different kind, I'm not sure but I'll try.
          	I hope to return as soon as possible!!!! <3
          	Lo so, sono stata assente per molto tempo... mi vergogno un po' perché avevo promesso che sarei tornata...
          	 Ma questa volta tornerò sul serio, non so ancora quando tornerò, probabilmente in estate ma non ne ho la certezza.
          	 Voglio solo informarvi che non continuerò le vecchie storie, sono praticamente inrecuperabili e ho perso totalmente l'immaginazione per quelle storie.
          	 A scuola durante le ore sostitutive o durante le pause scrivo le storie che mi vengono in mente, penso che quelle storie le scriverò su Whattpad.
          	 Queste storie riguardano le ship del videogioco Honkai:Star Rail.
          	 Forse scriverò altre storie di altri tipi, non ne sono sicura ma ci proverò.
          	 Spero di ritornare il più presto possibile!!!! <3


I know, I was absent for a long time... I'm a little ashamed of myself because I promised I would come back...
          But this time I will seriously return, I'm not sure yet when I will return, probably in the summer but I have no certainty.
          I just want to inform you that I will not continue the old stories, they are practically irrecoverable, and I have totally lost the imagination for those stories.
          At school during substitute hours or during breaks I write stories that come to mind, I think I'll write those stories on Whattpad.
          These stories are about the ships in the Honkai:Star Rail video game.
          Maybe I'll write some other stories of a different kind, I'm not sure but I'll try.
          I hope to return as soon as possible!!!! <3
          Lo so, sono stata assente per molto tempo... mi vergogno un po' perché avevo promesso che sarei tornata...
           Ma questa volta tornerò sul serio, non so ancora quando tornerò, probabilmente in estate ma non ne ho la certezza.
           Voglio solo informarvi che non continuerò le vecchie storie, sono praticamente inrecuperabili e ho perso totalmente l'immaginazione per quelle storie.
           A scuola durante le ore sostitutive o durante le pause scrivo le storie che mi vengono in mente, penso che quelle storie le scriverò su Whattpad.
           Queste storie riguardano le ship del videogioco Honkai:Star Rail.
           Forse scriverò altre storie di altri tipi, non ne sono sicura ma ci proverò.
           Spero di ritornare il più presto possibile!!!! <3


I know I said I would start writing again....but I've had a few little problems
          I'm in high school and it's not very easy, so since I practically have questions and tests constantly I have difficulty finding time to write. Plus I broke my hand with which I write and try to imagine how much I'm swearing.
          (I'm wondering today how I'm going to do the math test and then the art project).
          I hope to be able to start writing again soon, most likely I will start again in the first days of June, if I don't have debts (I will certainly have them in Latin) 


Prometto che tra 1 o 2 settimane potrebbe uscire qualcosa oppure a settembre 
          (Piccolo avviso a settembre torno a scuola e forse mi sarà quasi impossibile scirvere, quidni probabilmente gli aggiornamenti saranno molto molto molto lenti )
          Porterò a aggiornare settimanalmente ma non assicuro nulla 
          I promise something might come out in 1 or 2 weeks or in September 
          (Little notice in September I go back to school and maybe it will be almost impossible for me to write, so I'll probably update them will be very very very slow)
          I will bring to update weekly but I don't assure anything 


I'm back particularly active more than before, (active so to speak) I've started translating into English a story I'm writing about the Blue Esorcist, I should have published it tomorrow finishing writing it in English since it will be a story only in English (but I write it first in my language for any errors which I then fix in English) I won't publish it either tomorrow or within the next week (maybe) if I can I will publish it, tomorrow I'm sure I won't be available at all since I'll be on a field trip with my school (for a (a week trip so I can't write much) soon I'll have to start studying for my exams and hope to pass it so I'll be less "active" (always so to speak) from the end of May until the end of June.
          I'm really sorry.


(It has nothing to do with stories) 
          I've been watching a series of a video game for a while (only available in Japan and North America) since I can't play it I watch it from a YouTuber who translates them into English (the only language I found it in) Being that I had arrived to see the last episode he uploaded of the series in which he shows a boy (my love) who stays with his Overblot version and immediately after you see the title of the video game and him "singing" a song like "mhh" (I don't know if he understood the last episode he published of the story was 2 months ago and now I've received the notification that there is a continuation of the story! (The continuation was nowhere to be found I searched so the other episodes still had to be added I BURNE OUT CRYING! I'm so happy that there is continuation! He swore if that was the end of it I would go to the creator of the game and just beat him up for the ending. XD
          I know you don't give a damn about all this but I wanted to tell it pk I was too happy! 


Sorry for the very long absence, I said that I would republish some old stories that I have now deleted, I will no longer edit or fix them pk I noticed that there are too many errors to fix and it's taking me a long time. So I deleted them permanently, maybe I'll rewrite others similar but not identical to the old ones, but for my safety I decided that before writing them on Whattpad I would first write them in a notebook, and when I finish writing it in this notebook, after various checks if written correctly without errors,I'll rewrite it here on Wattpad and checking, after I write it, I'll post it every week or I'll just do one chapter with the whole story. 
          I don't know if I will always do Italian/English or only English or only Italian. I'm still deciding.Also tell me if you want it to always be Italian/English or just one of the two.(if I find myself in the situation where there is too much indecision I will always do both).


So, I inform you that I'm completely blocked in writing stories, I'm writing (on paper) a story Nanbaka of the ship Samon×Hajime and there will also be other ships in the middle but the main one is this ... I would like to know, should I rewrite it here on Whatpad and publish it or not?
           Up to now I have written 23 pages (lined pages leaving no space between one line and another, in a notebook).
           I'm also writing a Blue Exorcist Mephisto×Lucifer story, I wrote an online one (private visible only to me) and a paper one I've got a little blocked online one so I'm not going forward (maybe I'll continue it) the paper one momentarily I wrote 10 pages.
           Should I post them here on Whatpad or don't you care?


Allora, informo che sono completamente bloccata nello scrivere storie, sto scrivendo (su carta) una storia Nanbaka della ship Samon×Hajime e ci saranno anche altre ship di mezzo ma la principale è questa...vorrei sapere, la dovrei riscrivere qui su Whatpad e pubblicarla oppure no? 
          Fino ad adesso ho scritto 23 pagine (pagine a righe non lasciando spazio tra un rigo e l'altro, su un quaderno).
          Sto scrivendo anche una storia Mephisto×Lucifer di Blue Exorcist, ne ho scritta una online( privata visibile solo a me) e una su carta quella online l'ho un po' bloccata quindi non sto andando avanti (forse la continuo) quella su carta momentaneamente ho scritto 10 pagine.
          Dovrei pubblicarle qui si Whatpad oppure non v'è ne frega na mazza?


Scusate!!! So che ho detto che avrei ripubblicato le storie aggiustare e modificate un po', so anche che non ho ancora neache alzato un dito per modificarle ma ho dei motivi:
          1) scuola che da troppe cose da fare, è sta diventando estenuante
          2)sto studiando come un cane per passare gli esami e mandare a quel paese la scuola e chi la creata
          3)sono stanca da morire e non riesco neanche ad andare a leggere per vedere cosa devo cambiare o sistemare 
          4)forse devo ridisegnare tutto quello che avevo fatto pk lo ho persi cambiando telefono.
          Per la 4° so già che arrivere l'umano di turno che dirà "perché non le riprendi dal vecchio telefono e le sposti su quello nuovo" beh risposta semplice non posso il vecchio telefono è inrecuperabile e non si accende più quindi tutto quello che stava sopra ora è perso per sempre (tranne le cose con cui avevo degli account tipo Whatpad TwT).
          Vi Pretto che appena troverò del tempo libero e starò sana di mente cercherò di aggiustare quelle sotto specie di storie (che paiono una  di , chi vuole capire capisce) e ripubblicarle e non le pubblicherò tutte a sieme ma un capitolo in base a quanto tempo ci metto XD e cercherò anche di concludere quelle che ho abbandonato (spero di riuscirci).
          Buona notte (è tardissimo scusate!)


Sorry!!!  I know I said I would repost the stories to fix and tweak a bit, I also know I haven't even lifted a finger to edit them yet but I have reasons:
             1) school that has too many things to do, is becoming exhausting
             2) I'm studying like a dog to pass the exams and send the school and whoever created it to hell
             3) I'm tired as hell and I can't even read to see what I need to change or fix
             4) maybe I have to redraw everything I had done pk I lost it by changing the phone.
             For the 4th I already know that the human on duty will arrive and will say "why don't you take them back from the old phone and move them to the new one" well simple answer I can't the old phone is unrecoverable and won't turn on anymore so all that was above is now lost forever (except things I had accounts with like Whatpad TwT).
             Please tell me that as soon as I find some free time and stay sane I will try to fix those sub-species of stories (which look like a  of , whoever wants to understand understands) and republish them and I won't publish them all together but a chapter based on what time it takes me XD and I will also try to conclude the ones I have abandoned (I hope to succeed).
             Good night (it's very late sorry!)