
Remember Me | Levi x Reader [Coming Soon]
          	[F/n] [L/n], devoted member of the Scout Regiment, loyal to the Levi Squad. That was, until one of their expeditions outside the Walls.
          	[F/n] was a top tier soldier, not as highly ranked as her Captain, Levi, but high up there. The woman had survived many expeditions, suffered numerous mental and physical losses, yet returned to the battle field with a smile each and every time.
          	But this time, this time was different. Titans had breached far into their formation, even managing to reach the Levi Squad. Their leader was going to break away, to take care of the Titans that were far too close for comfort, but [F/n] stopped him, reasoning that they can't risk Humanities Strongest getting killed.
          	Reluctantly, Levi allowed it, and she broke off from the Levi Squad.
          	That was the last the Levi Squad had seen her.
          	Five years had passed, the 104th Cadet Corps had joined their chosen Military Branch, the previous Levi Squad had already been eradicated, minus their Captain, and a new Levi Squad had been formed. During an expedition, Commander Erwin comes across a corpse.
          	Or rather, at least that's what he thought.


@Sinssal oh I know someone who can do covers if your cover maker is on break. Or my shop even though it’s not the same style you wanted though. But I’m not sure if they are on.
          	  (My shop) -


          	  I'm glad! I have the first chapter done, but my cover maker (who made all the BNHA and Soul Eater covers) is on break right now, so I'm not sure what to do about the cover 


@Sinssal I can’t wait for this story



Remember Me | Levi x Reader [Coming Soon]
          [F/n] [L/n], devoted member of the Scout Regiment, loyal to the Levi Squad. That was, until one of their expeditions outside the Walls.
          [F/n] was a top tier soldier, not as highly ranked as her Captain, Levi, but high up there. The woman had survived many expeditions, suffered numerous mental and physical losses, yet returned to the battle field with a smile each and every time.
          But this time, this time was different. Titans had breached far into their formation, even managing to reach the Levi Squad. Their leader was going to break away, to take care of the Titans that were far too close for comfort, but [F/n] stopped him, reasoning that they can't risk Humanities Strongest getting killed.
          Reluctantly, Levi allowed it, and she broke off from the Levi Squad.
          That was the last the Levi Squad had seen her.
          Five years had passed, the 104th Cadet Corps had joined their chosen Military Branch, the previous Levi Squad had already been eradicated, minus their Captain, and a new Levi Squad had been formed. During an expedition, Commander Erwin comes across a corpse.
          Or rather, at least that's what he thought.


@Sinssal oh I know someone who can do covers if your cover maker is on break. Or my shop even though it’s not the same style you wanted though. But I’m not sure if they are on.
            (My shop) -


            I'm glad! I have the first chapter done, but my cover maker (who made all the BNHA and Soul Eater covers) is on break right now, so I'm not sure what to do about the cover 


@Sinssal I can’t wait for this story


Any AOT fans on here? If so, would you be down for a Levi x Reader fic?


            I posted the description if you're interested :)


If you all like my BNHA and Soul Eater covers, which I love, please go check out @-anaxtaetic- who is responsible for making those masterpieces. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. :)


            I look forward to it! <3


@Sinssal I will open it soon! <3


            And I already have 2 more requests for when your shop opens back up again ❤️❤️❤️