
I managed to secure another entrepreneur.  Thus coercing a feckless And vastly inexperienced businessman to tender in order to sustain our livelihood. 
          	Our very heritage in Allerdale Hall...


Come what may, of psychotic people that stay before us. Let us not be dragged into their petty lives though and their over inflated sense of importance.
          Push them away with a yardstick I say. Hit them with it. Pray they won’t return to tarnish your threshold.


I do not usually partake in these chains but this, this needs highlighting.
          Seen this floating around~
          Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
          The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
          Ultimately, toxicity in the Wattpad roleplay community is caused by arrogant people who are self important.  
          First and foremost;
          Toxicity is caused by flaming chapters
          Toxicity is caused by shaming
           Toxicity is caused by roasting
          Toxicity is caused by expose accounts
          Toxicity is caused by unfounded accusations
          Toxicity is caused by people who ask for others to mass report
          Toxicity is caused by people who tell other people to unfollow
          Toxicity is caused by certain people who make little digs at lesser accounts
          You know, childish playground things? (Mute button?)
          Toxicity is caused by expose accounts that claim neutrality but don’t even attempt to seek out the other side of the story.
          Toxicity is caused by certain admins who won’t admit their mistake, publicly.


"You said.. You said you wouldn't fall in love with anyone else."  She pleaded, eyes heavily laden with tears.
          "Yes, but it happened." Thomas offered, evidently just as broken by his admission.  He went to embrace her. 
          But Lucille was distraught. All her well laid out plans were unravelling.


~ BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to type it in and give it to 8 people who deserve it. If you break this chain  nothing bad happens but, it's sweet to k ow someone thinks you're  beautiful inside and out. ❤