Oh em gee.
I cannot believe it's been so long on this app that when I finally logged in I had around 1000+ notifications!
Granted these were all story updates but that's still insane that I missed that much.
I am happy to announce that I am back like I never left. I've learnt the importance of taking regular breaks because even as a reader it gets overwhelming quickly. Socialising isn't my strong point either so I'm sorry to any of my online friends :(
In the past year, I have started to write again (yay!) as an outlet.
Dioxazine is in the works but I've also taken up a lighter and less intense project, Davenport Diaries which will be released as soon as I make a cover. But I'm still more of a reader than a writer anyway.
Anyway, happy holidays everyone and I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a fruitful new year!
- xo Saint ox