
I’ve decided at this moment, I will work on the three requests for the oneshots books at the same time and for all future requests I will also work on three at a time, so I’m hoping by this weekend (AEST) I will have the three requests published by then, if not the during the weekend when I’ll have the most time to work on them. 


@SirSimpington She will vaguely know him in passing as if she’s heard of him but not ever met him before. Maybe they meet at an event and Hailee just gets overwhelmed by their mutual attraction


@Joewatt111 like I said I’ll see what I can do. If I can’t fit it in now I’ll save it for later. Also will Hailee and Y/N be known to each other in this oneshot? 


I’ve decided at this moment, I will work on the three requests for the oneshots books at the same time and for all future requests I will also work on three at a time, so I’m hoping by this weekend (AEST) I will have the three requests published by then, if not the during the weekend when I’ll have the most time to work on them. 


@SirSimpington She will vaguely know him in passing as if she’s heard of him but not ever met him before. Maybe they meet at an event and Hailee just gets overwhelmed by their mutual attraction


@Joewatt111 like I said I’ll see what I can do. If I can’t fit it in now I’ll save it for later. Also will Hailee and Y/N be known to each other in this oneshot? 


@SirSimpington I have a new request for Sydney: Sydney is currently filming Madam Web and it’s her day off so she goes to visit her boyfriend Y/n who is one of Tom Holland’s stunt doubles for Spider Man she lucky has a spare key card when she gets to his  bedroom she sees him outside on the terrace working out doing pull ups she is hypnotized by his muscles and abs she goes outside when Y/n sees her he smiles Sydney goes for a hug but Y/n pulls away commenting how he’s all sweaty Sydney says she doesn’t care and he sweats more during sex they start making out Y/n lifts her on to a table Sydney take off her jacket now only in a tank top and ripped jeans U/n carries her to the bedroom where they spend the next 2 hours in bed time jump to after they’re both both are completely covered in sweat and breathing heavily Sydney’s hair is damp Y/n gets a washcloth to clean themselves after Sydney borrows a pair of Y/n’s boxers and red plaid shirt not bothering to put her bra back on Y/n orders room service and a bottle of champagne and they spend the day together and they even have a puppy together a husky named Bella who loves to cuddle.


Yes I like it, I will start it when I finish the the two requests I still need to do. 


@SirSimpington got a new request for the Sydney book: Y/n and Sydney are engaged and are getting ready for Y/n’s high school reunion Sydney is trying to decide which dress to wear it’s between the red dress she wore to the people’s choice awards or the dress she wore to the Oscar’s she decided on the red dress since red is Y/n’s favorite color while at the reunion they see Y/n’s ex girlfriend Jenny who cheated on him and dumped him on prom night Sydney seriously hates her  Jenny walks up to them saying the relationship is a stunt and she’s glad she cheated Sydney turns to Y/n and takes off her earrings handing them to him then turns and punches Jenny in the face breaking her nose Sydney tell her Y/n is the best thing to ever happen to her and they’re wedding is in a month Jenny asks if she actually has sex with him Sydney says yes and it’s the best sex in her whole life and she had to spend a long time covering up the hickeys her have from the night before and goes to Y/n and pulls him by his collar and kisses him in front and everyone and they all cheers .


@Superflash2255 yes very soon, sorry for taking too long. 


@SirSimpington Will my request be published soon??


I like it. I’ll be sure to start it asap 


@SirSimpington I have a new request for the Sydney book. Y/n and Sydney used to be engaged Sydney’s parents didn’t want her being with him so they sent her away to boarding and Y/n had no idea where after 5 years Sydney was engaged to someone new that her parents approved but she still thinks about Y/n she’s in the attic of her house looking at old photo albums of her and Y/n she finds the picture of them the night they got engaged and had tears running down her face she lifts her shirt seeing the tattoo of a female lion head with a crown on top of the head knowing Y/n got one of a male lion head also with a crown on the head she hears her fiancé calling her name she quickly wipes her tears and goes downstairs her fiancé says there’s a phone call for her handing her the phone she answered and in the other end is a nurse telling her that Y/n has been jumped badly and us in the hospital and she was listed as emergency contact Sydney drops to her knees feeling like whole world stopped spinning and tells the nurse she’s on her way the nurse tells her which hospital Y/n is at and goes the so does her fiancé when they get there Sydney asked which room is he in she tells them when Sydney gets there seeing Y/n covered in cuts and bruises made her heart stop she asks the doctor is he’s going to be okay the doctor says he’s badly hurt and they did everything they could but he lost a lot of blood from being stabbed and that it’s all up to him Sydney sits by his bed and holds his hand just then cops show up and see Sydney’s fiancé and point their guns to him the fiancé raises her hands asking what going on they she the video of him attacking Y/n Sydney sees it and asks why he say he found out about Y/n from a friend of her’s and knew Y/n was a threat so he took actions into his own hands says only he deserves her not Y/n Sydney throws her ring at him telling the cops to take him away and sits back down.


@Superflash2255 I love it. I’ll start work on it ASAP. 


@SirSimpington She holds his hand and starts crying time jump 3 months Y/n has been in a coma and finally wakes up seeing Sydney laying her head on the bed sleeping holding his hand he squeezes waking her up she calls the doctor and they explain everything to him Y/n then looks under his hospital gown seeing the ring he used to propose to Sydney and reproposes she says yes letting him put the ring on her finger and they kiss passionately Sydney couldn’t believe he still had  it  and tell as soon as he all healed they can start wedding planning and kisses him again.


@SirSimpington I have request for the Sydney book: Y/n and Sydney are married and live in New York in Time Square Sydney wakes up hearing her and Y/n 3 month old daughter Jessica crying Sydney gets her out of her crib at the foot of the bed and breastfeeds her luckily Sydney sleeps topless while breastfeeding she go to the nursery and sits in the rocking chair after 15 minutes Jessica is done Sydney burps her and changes her and lays her back down she puts on her robe and goes out on the balcony and listen to the sounds of the city she then feels a pair of arms wrap around her and kisses on her neck she turns seeing Y/n and they kiss she runs her hands through his hair and it turn into a male out session and they move to the bed and let’s just they’re lucky they’re so far up so no one hear them.


@Superflash2255 I’m working on it, I’m hoping to upload before Friday. 


Just letting you all know regarding the love triangle story, I’m going to rewrite it under the title of Euphoria’s Web, a title suggested to me for renaming Love Triangle, but after thinking about the next update, that’s when I was starting to realise I was becoming unhappy with the direction I was taking it in. 
          I have no idea at the moment when I’ll do it, most likely after I finish the request I’m currently working on and updating the Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld oneshots But I’ll leave Love Triangle up incase I do want to return to it someday. 


@Joewatt111 thanks for the offer. I’ll certainly come to you if I do need help 


@SirSimpington Hey bud! If you need help with the story let me know.


@SirSimpington do what you have too :)


@SirSimpington Updates???


@Superflash2255 yes, it’s nearly finished, but it is a bit shorter than usual 


@SirSimpington Are you still working on my request??


Hey, I'd like to apologise for the lack of updates at the moment. I don't have a decent excuse other than writer’s block, but I am hoping within the next 24-48 hours to upload a new part for the Hailee Steinfeld/Kate Bishop one-shots, so I can work on other ideas such as the planned Sydney Sweeney one-shots book requested of me and Love Triangle 


@SirSimpington take your time. Its ok


@SirSimpington Do you think you could make a Sydney Sweeney oneshots book??


@Superflash2255 just letting you know I should be making a post with the next two to three days for the Hailee Steinfeld/Kate Bishops one shot and I already have an idea to begin the Sydney Sweeney one and I apologise for the slow posting 


@Superflash2255 yes I’m working on a Kate Bishop oneshot part 2 but it’s taking it’s time as I’m struggling a little bit, then I’ll come up with a Sydney Sweeney oneshot 