
Well, I haven't posted anything in a while, I've been busy. Riding gigantic alligators, stopping Voldemort, punching slytherins, you get the drift. At any rate, I'm back, so I will start posting things again! (Cue screaming fangirls). Ive been asked to do some more Warehouse 13 stuff. I'm currently working on something a little different, that should be out soon, then some Warehouse 13. Sorry for my disappearance.


Well, I haven't posted anything in a while, I've been busy. Riding gigantic alligators, stopping Voldemort, punching slytherins, you get the drift. At any rate, I'm back, so I will start posting things again! (Cue screaming fangirls). Ive been asked to do some more Warehouse 13 stuff. I'm currently working on something a little different, that should be out soon, then some Warehouse 13. Sorry for my disappearance.