Good day lords and ladies! I once again greet you and bring you tidings of excitement and enjoyment! My dear friend @LilSushiGuy and I have spent the last while working on a novel of great proportions! We do hope it tickles your fancy and that you will give it a whirl!! And I also implore you to visit @LilSushiGuy and read his own stories! They are of wonderful quality and I'm sure you shall enjoy them! And fear not, I am still working on my other books. Blast the foul creature that many call "writers block"! Verily, I shall slay the beast and I promise to release another chapter soon! Of what book I do not know. But that simply entails that we shall find out together! How exciting! And with that, I bid you all farewell!

@helloiamxavier We are both also very excited for what's to come! We hope it will be awesome and that you will all enjoy it!

@Sir_Egios just finished it, I’m so hyped for this! Especially since it’s another new and exciting idea that has huge potential to be something amazing

NO WAY LILSUSHIGUY!!!!!!! Dude I’m so happy for him! He’s the best. I’m checking out the story now