
Regarding Researchers Journal is it still in hiatus, or discontinued fully? I really like the drama between Laguna and Horbill, there aren't any other wof stories with so much conflict!


@LiterallyPasta Its still on hiatus, leaning towards either being discontinued or rewritten. Its my first fanfic and rereading it, there are parts and scenes that I am really not satisfied with. To be honest, so much time has passed since I last wrote for the story that I have different ideas for the story now.
            Writing the interactions between Laguna and Hornbill where my favorite scenes to write, nice to know you enjoy it.
            But thats how the story is now.


About Researchers Journal, when will the next chapter come out or is it discontinued?


@Sire-Squire Researcher's Journal is one of the best wings of fire fictions I've read, you write character interactions way better than most, thank you for writing it!


@unknown0777u Yeah... about that. The next chapter is in the works, but it's going really slowly. I can blame it on the usual things like college and other stuff like that (which is affecting me). But Imma be honest, I kind of got heavy writer's block and because of that, I lost most of my enthusiasm for the story. I do have a plan laid out for what will happen next in the story, but I just can't find myself sitting down and getting those words down.
            So to answer your question, Researcher's Journal is on hiatus. The next chapter is being written but I have no idea when I'll be able to finish and publish it.