Stroke a bit of a miracle regarding the pain I was having post tooth removal
Apparently my sinus pressure was bad and with that pressing against my sore jaw and with that making it so atrocious that the pain killers didn't help
Stacey (aka my mom) got the idea of it when I told her it stops when I'm in the shower (I thought it stopped in the shower because the heat against my skin helped a lot) and had me take some gel allergy pills and half an hour later I wasn't in pain anymore
This was honestly the first time I've had my sinuses this bad before so I didn't know they could get that bad, I haven't been able to set up my humidifier because of my cat and I'm worried he'll break it even if I have it on the floor so this is my first fall and winter without it set up and running (I usually have it on 247 only turning it off to refill it and clean it) so yeah I never knew it could get this bad