
Hey guys! 
          	If you would like to check out the first chapter of my book, 'Maiden of Midnight', you can go to my new account, 'MaidenofMidnight'. I've also posted directions on how to buy the full version of the book if you're interested! 


Hey guys! 
          If you would like to check out the first chapter of my book, 'Maiden of Midnight', you can go to my new account, 'MaidenofMidnight'. I've also posted directions on how to buy the full version of the book if you're interested! 


Hey guys! 
          I'm sorry it's been a while, but the reason I haven't been on here is because I actually published a book I've been working on since I was a kid through Inhouse Publishing! Some of you might remember the earlier drafts of 'The Borderlands', but I am really excited to announce that the name of my book is 'Maiden of Midnight'. Thank you to everybody who read the original drafts on here! 


Hey guys! I've published another story called 'Our world'. 
          It's about cultures from all across the world, and it's written by you guys!!
          So far, there's only my chapter, but I'd really appreciate if you could put something about your cultures too!


I've just began to publish a story that I have been working on since I was twelve, it's called 'The Borderlands'. I hope you like it! I will definitely be updating this one more often than the last one, so be sure to check it out!


          Sorry for not publishing any chapters of Survive for those of you who are following it. I had to focus on my NAPLAN. And we all know how stressful that can be. I am going to publish another chapter soon as I am on school holidays. 