
I swear to god......and i won't name names but you know who are, stop tagging me in smut books□~□


Hey Siren? Why did you decide to leave me in charge? I have done nothing to deserve it.


AWWWW Sirennnnnn, I lovvvveee youuuuu. You will always be Team mom btw. I would be team aunt.


@The_Wonderland_Child Because why not? You're amazing and adventurous and trustworthy, we can relate and relax and be ourselves around you, you're helpful and funny and know how to raise our spirts 


Omg i am flipping crying Siren you dork. Even though I have been gone for a year you still have me in your bio. I guess you still remember me. I miss the roleplay so damn much. I miss you and Rose so damn much. I miss you so much and i dont dont understand how i got so attached to some one who lives across the earth. But i am not back, i just wanted to check up on my family. I love ya-Aria


@The_Wonderland_Child AND HERE I WAS THINKING YOU DIED OR SOMETHING TT□TT! I get so worried and I miss you like a mother or something! (Okay that didn't sound as weird in my head) I MEAN HOW COULD I FORGET SUCH AN AMAZING PERSON YOUR LIKE A SISTER TO ME SO IS ROSE AND ALEXA AND ANDIE! Even if you died I would still keep you in my bio. I miss the roleplay too and it really doesn't make sense how I got so attached to you guys even though I don't really know you, but I feel like I do. I really wish you were back, we miss having you here in our little internet family. ~Siren 


Hi I really like ur profile pic and btw don't cry I'm sure ur an amazing person


Lol thanks ^-^


Thank you soooo much for following me, it means the most to me! You seem like your really popular! :3 


@deformina1987 You're welcome and believe it or not, you replying to me means a lot to me as well! :D


@SirensPitch Oh, and I LOVE your background, thank you so much for replying it means a lot  to me :) 


@deformina1987 You're welcome for the follow it wasn't a problem :D! And as for me being popular, i don't think so XD


I love how there is a random roleplay in the Tmnt boyfriend scenario book XD