why do English teachers and schools like Shakespeare so much? sure the themes are very important, but no one talks in what people call “Shakespearian” my man got a whole language named after him
The Cursed Child is so stupid, like the sorting hat has legs now?
and you could easily make a time turner even if all the originals were destroyed and make it upgraded or some shit?
@MarauderJames I've been thinking the same. first all the time turners get destroyed then there is another one and after that to save these bimbos you get another time turner and without reason, it is upgraded?
Okay so, I’ve just reread Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and it made me hate Dumbledore (the part when Hazza witnesses Snapes memories, I’ve always like Dumbles for some reason idk why
Hey all, James here, I have decided that this summer I will try to write a book.
What do y’all think it should be? It could be anything, just not a love story because I’m rubbish with that.