
I need some advice! What do you guys want to read about in My Life as a Professional Fangirl? I haven't been on here in a while, so I reread my old chapters and cracked myself up! If you also have a request for another book then tell me what you want and I'll write it!


I need some advice! What do you guys want to read about in My Life as a Professional Fangirl? I haven't been on here in a while, so I reread my old chapters and cracked myself up! If you also have a request for another book then tell me what you want and I'll write it!


@ SiriuslyRon1215  So I know it has been months since you posted this but I have a few ideas today. There is no fangirl who belongs to one fandom I mean I am in more than 20. You could write something about that name your fandoms or ask your readers about theirs. You can describe how a fandom changes your life and how we are affected in our daily life (for example I woke up with Hedwig's tune every morning). I also think that even when you belong to decades of fandoms there is one who you love the most, your ultimate fandom. Finally, we meet people and make friends. I hope I helped and gave you some ideas.


when are you going to update "my life as a professional fangirl"? It is really awesome!


@ Hogwarts_never_dies  That is great news I am really looking forward! ❤


@Hogwarts_never_dies Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I just updated it and replyed to some of your comments. I will write more tomorrow and hopefully write more over Winter Break!