@-Sarxa the stray kids one give it to @lehyrn bcs. I'm not a fan of stray kids. The stray kids one shot is only for my friend's bday and also for the people who read it, but you can give me the bts one, just give me a message
Yoo guys I'm sorry I didn't publish anything for namjoons bday I felt kinda guilty for that but since it's not is bday anymore I will not publish just consider the namjoon smut I made as a birthday special
Hi y'all.....So since my exams are coming and I also need to finish some projects because that makes most of my grade and I don't want to fail, So that means no smuts/stories until next week.so yeah
hEy y'All (i'M jUsT gOnNa tYpE lIkE dIs) sO fOllOw dIs hOe @creamxsugar23 sHe dOeSn't mAkE sToRiEs bUt iF yOu cHeCk hEr aCC tEll hEr I sAiD hI (aNd aGAiN i'M nOt fOrCiNg yOu tO fOlLoW hEr) k bYe i nEEd tO fiNiSh mAkInG tHe nEw bOoK i'M mAkInG