I don’t know if you know this but Wattpad has decided to change an age thing in books to 18+ sex scenes only( 17 and under can only hold hands and kissing but not intensely ), I don’t fully know how to explain it. It’s in the news and updates book. But they are apparently changing a lot of things. I don’t want you to get blindsided by a book being deleted and not being told why. I’d back up your books on google docs, Microsoft word, or something. I think you can imply things for underaged stuff but can’t go fully into it. There was also something about dark themes. It’s hard to explain. Any thing that triggers their ai that scanning books, even if it’s nothing, can get deleted. Again it’s hard to explain. I think a lot of authors are getting blindsided and are leaving Wattpad. If I could get help letting other authors know I’d be a big help. Wattpads news and updates book explains it better than I can Their new guidelines are so vague so it’s hard to figure out what they were wanting. They’re making it so any book with sex scenes and too detailed kissing scenes with 17 and lower are deleted. I think it’s stupid and many people are not happy. Although it’s an ai scanning through books. Other authors I’ve seen are going to age up their characters even though the vampires like Stefan and Edward are physically 17. It doesn’t matter what their vampire age is. Or the mc is 17 turning 18. Wattpad doesn’t care. A bunch of authors have had to change ages of all characters to at least 18 to comply with the new guidelines. I think how they wrote it kissing and hand holding are the only thing 17 and under are allowed to do as long as it’s not too detailed. But I’d just have books backed up somewhere just in case because other authors have had their books deleted even when they follow the new and old guidelines. Some of them didn’t have their books backed up because they thought they were safe.