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@CelestialCarnation I feel the same. I had freind troubles with my friends stabbing me in the back, practically telling the whole school about me home life and what I deal with mentally and emotionally. I tried to confide in my mom and she either flat out ignored me and told me it’s my fault. When I started to cut she took me to a therapist that told me I was a sociopath and fat. I withdrew myself more and I was threatened to be sent overseas to a boarding school. So I put a facade. I smiled and had a happy-go-lucky aura. My mom got a fiancé and now I’m just yelled at more. I started to eat less, my only source of some of the daily nutrients water and frozen dinners once in while. I purge, cut, have anxiety, and have trouble sleeping. My friends think it’s a joke when I tell them that I have anxiety and depression. Are the scars not enough.
When your freind pulled that prank, from what it seems it is betrayal. Your mind is fucked up, like mine, but in a beautiful way. We all have our burdens though those of us with depression, anxiety, and not so supportive family/friends, we have them worse. We all need someone who worries about us. Whether online or in real life. People think it can go away with pills and therapy, but it doesn’t. We are all human, so why should we be treated differently than those without this burden of fear and sadness. Frankly I’m jealous of those who don’t have to deal with depression or anxiety attacks.
Again, if you need someone to talk to I’ll be here and I would NEVER EVER make fun or pull a prank on you, even in real life. No one deserves that, I’ve learned that in my years of suffering.