
Maaaaaaan procrastination is one hell of a demon


Did you intentionally make Gogeta Blue stupidly ignorant of his actions?- I don’t think he would act like that.
          Also, the part where he said “Nobody can save you this time!” is kinda false cuz Gogeta was actually trying to snap him out of his rage as evidenced by the fact that he had all the power to kill him (as shown by the last bits of the beatdown) but didn’t. I bet he only was like “Welp, gotta resort to execution” because he was running out of the 30 minute fusion time and couldn’t risk saving him.
          I bet Gogeta Blue would honestly try and reason with him first since he isn’t in rage mode then, if Broly goes berserk, try and actually snap him out of his rage cuz he now has unlimited fusion time to do so.
          Could you also explain your reasoning for making Gogeta(DBS) a loose cannon in the story? I don’t see any reason to do so seeing as Gogeta, while looking to end the fight, would also be as reasonable as you make Gogeta(GT) and Gogeta(Z) to be. It’s just that Gogeta Blue would have a tendency to enjoy a beatdown more often than not.
          Sorry, had to rant lol. I just wanted to say my piece for this. 9/10 story tho, keep it up ^^


Okay, that makes more sense. Alright, I was interested but now you have my full attention-


@GaminGreninja3 Well sorta a spoiler, but ever since they split they have official "Classes" now. Like DBS Gogeta is a Berserker with Madness Enhancement A, Gogeta 4 a Rider with Independent Action and Super Gogeta a Saber with Magical Resistance. The effects of the Madness Enhancement is what making him battle hungry and even to an extended degree. Since Madness Enhancement raises basic parameters and strengthens one's physical abilities in exchange of hindering mental capacities and/or in exchange for their sense of reason. Those class skills are the reason. Though there are times he can and will be reasonable, but his class makes it hard for him to do so.


I get that. But I still kinda want Gogeta Blue to not be a WHOLE LOOSE CANNON. Like sure, him being battle hungry is fine. I get that. But there comes a point where you made that his ENTIRE personality and that is what I’m not okay with. GT Gogeta also has some reason, why can’t DBS Gogeta have said reason to his personality?