
Hey Pssst--- new chapter out if you're interested 


How do I get Wattpad to stop showing ads on my stories? I didn't approve of this, and it's clear that I'm not getting any benefits from it. Like Wattpad, if you're gonna throw a car ad in the middle of my gay pandering, and least throw it up on the trending tab 


Believe it or not I actually just found the motivation to write a whole new Sjips story. I've been developing it as a shower thought for months now, but the first chapter is actually being worked on right now- and the second + third chapter has been storyboarded. I don't know what I'll call it yet. The working title is "Office Glances" but I'm not super married to that yet.. Point is I'm super excited to share my new adventure with everyone! ❤❤
          If you're excited to see chapter 1- then please go check out the story that inspired me to start writing it.

          It's by @yognaut101 and it's hella cute so far. It's definitely got the Sjips King's stamp of approval ✨
          -Willow, The Sjips King


Oh damn thanks man just looked at the link ❤️


@Sjips-King nice dude can't wait :)


hey do you want help co-writing your destined stories? i know people are bothering you about them.  


@Sjips-King seems legit. Just let me know. I'm 100% open to helping you.


@Pan_Hunter Cheers for the offer comrade- but I have zero idea where any of my stories are going. It'd be like some cruel and unusual punishment to try and drag someone onto my team to co-write. I'm good leaving stuff unfinished as long as I'm uninspired.


Hi guys- I never post here anymore, but in effort to be more active, and to combat Wattpad coin system (something that is completely unnecessary) I will give you the opportunity of a lifetime.
          Just send 100 USD to my paypal, or 100$ worth of Robuxs to my Roblox account, and I'll write the next chapter of my hit Supernatural book: Feathers. 
          Contact me privately for more details. ;))))


Forgive me for the typos- I'm a wee bit rusty


this message may be offensive
So- I swear to god that I'm working on posting something. The problem is, I have too many little ideas to just pick one, and my next big idea is gonna take a while to put together. 
          Right now I'm working on a big piece that's going to be around... Let's say rough estimate 4,000 words. It's Chraul technically- but like... You remember "Do it for charity"? It'll be like that. And I know that a lot of you liked that one.
          And I'm also working on a smaller piece right now that will be based in a more "In-game" world. It's gonna be really cute and sentimental, and of course, GAY. Because it's Sips and Sjin of course it's gay. Lmao
          So I am working! But I want my return to be quality shit, so it does take longer.
          Love y'all~