this message may be offensive
So- I swear to god that I'm working on posting something. The problem is, I have too many little ideas to just pick one, and my next big idea is gonna take a while to put together.
Right now I'm working on a big piece that's going to be around... Let's say rough estimate 4,000 words. It's Chraul technically- but like... You remember "Do it for charity"? It'll be like that. And I know that a lot of you liked that one.
And I'm also working on a smaller piece right now that will be based in a more "In-game" world. It's gonna be really cute and sentimental, and of course, GAY. Because it's Sips and Sjin of course it's gay. Lmao
So I am working! But I want my return to be quality shit, so it does take longer.
Love y'all~