Exciting News for my Fans! ✨
Hello Everyone! These are the books I will be posting new Chapters Every Monday and Friday! please check them out! I will also be releasing new Books but the publish date is still uncertain, please stay tuned for more updates!
new Chapters Every Monday and Friday!!
1. Hoya Obovata
2. Red Carnation
3. Purple Delphinium
4. Purple Hyacinth
Regarding this book, I have requested that readers remember that it is fan fiction and that nothing in it is exactly like the animation. Tsukishima Kei and Hinata Shoyo are characters from the sports anime series Haikyuu. Please be advised that this book contains some warnings.
- My AI Boyfriend | TsukiHina |
Kuroo, Tsukishima's closest friend, was concerned that Tsukishima's romantic life would be jeopardized if he didn't find a partner. However, this wasn't the case. Tsukishima isn't the kind of person who thinks about romances or other corny things; instead, he was primarily focused on his studies and, of course, his love of dinosaurs and strawberry shortcakes. However, since he was a cold-blooded salt shaker and occasionally thought he was smarter than others, he also detested the word love. Nevertheless, Kuroo had a plan to get Tsukishima a boyfriend, and that little plan of Kuroo will work and blossom into a new love story.
Forever Smile | Sakuatsu |
2nd Book of, "My Last Smile For You..."
Mystery soulmate | Love Triangle |
Hinata Shouyo age 15, His life will change forever once he turns 16 and meets his soulmate. As you know it is normal having one Soulmate but in hinata Shouyo's case he has Two but those two soulmates are quite different,But I do wonder who he will pick in the end Read the story and find out!