


So, posted the rest of the parts that were all ready done and just sitting there. Then I started writing in a notebook and the story flowed more easily than on a keyboard. It's going to be awhile for the next parts because I have to copy them onto the computer from the notebook. 
          As I've stated as always...very little editing was done for parts three through six. I just want to get the story out and I will be editing later. Story feedback would greatly be appreciated! Thanks! :)


If I am going to keep churning out more story for Midnight Raven I'm just going to keep writing until I am done and edit the story later so please do not worry much about grammatical errors or what not. My brain works faster than when I write and I might miss something because I am excitedly writing or too wrapped up in this story world that I over look them. So please forgive me. ^^;;


I just uploaded chapter two for Midnight Raven. This chapter is in the raw with very little editing. So any feedback for corrections would be appreciated. But, that's not the important thing why I am posting my story on here. What I want to see more than anything is if people actually like the story and the characters. That's what will keep me going and I thank all any any future readers. Thanks! :)


Today I start writing chapter one of my novel. The "Eggs At Noon" story like I said is my practice story and will be updated monthly and if I have more time maybe more. I might just stop if no one is interested. There is no point in writing something if you're the only one invested in it. Thank you for your patience. :)