
          	So...for my Love Letters readers, just a small little thing.
          	Love Letters has a goal of being a great story one day and I have the full intention of making that dream come true.
          	But, I'm thinking of taking it down for a few months perhaps so that I can edit and revise and make it better overall. I started that story on a whim and unplanned plotline. Because of this it hasn't exactly come to match what's in my head, and I know I have more skill than what is shown.
          	Because of this, just a heads up that in a month, or two, it may be taken down.
          	Heart Hunted is my main event and while I am editing it (slowly but surely), it will stay up.
          	Thanks for reading! :)


Thank you for adding Asleep!


@SkaraElentyia15 thank you! I hope you enjoy! 


@MikaelaBender of course!! Im excited to start it! It looks awesome


          So...for my Love Letters readers, just a small little thing.
          Love Letters has a goal of being a great story one day and I have the full intention of making that dream come true.
          But, I'm thinking of taking it down for a few months perhaps so that I can edit and revise and make it better overall. I started that story on a whim and unplanned plotline. Because of this it hasn't exactly come to match what's in my head, and I know I have more skill than what is shown.
          Because of this, just a heads up that in a month, or two, it may be taken down.
          Heart Hunted is my main event and while I am editing it (slowly but surely), it will stay up.
          Thanks for reading! :)


In case someone hasn't told you recently, you are loved and cared for and cherished and enjoyed and you matter so, so, so much. Even when you think you don't. I believe in you, and believe you can do anything you dream of doing. If you ever need someone to talk to, that isn't close to you so you don't have to worry about being judged, hit me up. I'll always listen and care.
          I love you guys


@SkaraElentyia15 whaaa that is so amazing and sweet of you, people around you are lucky and I really really hope they remain that way....... Thank you and love you, mean it


Thank you for reading and voting on Someone To Watch Over Me.


Love the comments! Keep them coming : )


Hello.....long time no see.
          So I don't know if any of you read it - if not that's fine - and if you do then I apologize for this....
          But I'm thinking I'm going to postpone Love Letters for now. Im not really feeling it. I have visions for it but I want to basically restart it XD
          So, on that matter, Heart Hunted will be my main story, but you guys knew that already.


@SkaraElentyia15   you're all good chika. Take your time 


Hey all!
          I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing and awesome and phenomenal and exciting. You are loved beyond belief! Whatever you're struggling with, you got this. Kick that struggle's butt!! I believe in you!


Jk but really thanks 


@SkaraElentyia15 Thanks Captain America


Dun, dun, dun! I actually updated my Collection of Novellas (which you may know as, A Collection of Short Stories), how long has it been since that happened?
          Also, I realise I have not updated Love Letters since September 4th, and I apologize. I will, hopefully, have a chapter up this weekend.
          To be fair, I did say that Heart Hunted would probably be the only one that was updated consistently. (Which for you Hunted readers, be prepared. :))
          Well, I have spoken.


I hate virtual school! It doesn't give me enough time to write long chapters like normal. Plus my writers block has pretty much doubled.
          Anywhooo......I'm not sure why I'm posting a message but...
          Hello readers
          Also, if anyone wants to draw the characters in my story, feel free! I would love to see what they look like. I'll probably draw them myself too, not sure yet.
          I hope your weeks have been amazing and I hope they continue to be that way! Love y'all