
Wait, it's already been a year... Damn, time goes by too fast


Wow, an electric cable was cut, an electric pole was knocked down, our false ceiling almost gave way under the pressure of this wind and our water was cut off... *sigh* It's now been 3 days since we found ourselves without water or electricity. 


@Skasefan69 Dang, that sounds terrible


It's much worse than it seems, my island will enter purple alert from 6 a.m. 


@Skasefan69 Oh nooo… Make sure to prepare an emergency bag in case you need to evacuate.


Well I think I'm cursed I don't feel safe anywhere except my house. No later than Monday leaving my training center in the direction of the bus stops. I was on a call and out of nowhere my phone was stolen. For the second time even... (sigh) The world has walked on me enough so far. But looking at things from another angle I tell myself that it could have been much worse... I could have been attacked or waited until I found myself alone out of sight of the population and leave me for...dead... 


Et voilà après avoir chopper le covid j'enchaîne avec un accident de travail, avec le bras gauche tétanisé et peut-être cassé. Après la radio les résultats sont : Épanchement de l'articulation avec possible fracture de la tête radiale. Et encore j'ai eu de la chance car il y avait une pointe qui à failli finir dans mon pied.
          (And here after having caught the covid I continue with a work accident, with the left arm paralyzed and perhaps broken. After the X-ray the results are: Effusion of the joint with possible fracture of the radial head. And again I was lucky because there was a spike that almost ended up in my foot.) 


@Skasefan69 oh no that's bad, hope you get well soon 