
Updated Chapter 3, along with making the first story for the one-shots page. Neither are all that special, I just wanted to get back in the swing of things


Sorry I haven't posted anything lately, life's been sorta busy and I'm kinda experiencing writer's block since this is still new to me, however I will continue working on this story, it just won't be on a schedule or anything. It'll mostly be down to me either wanting to or forcing myself to write. I hope you do end up sticking around cuz I do have plans. Anyway thanks and bye


Working on the third chapter now, please bear with me since writing is relatively new to me. Yes, I used to post stuff on here, but it was badly written, and I never actually finished any of my stories. So, progress may be slow, but know that I am taking this seriously and I really hope it's an enjoyable read once it's done.