
Would y'all be interested in reading my writing rps that I wrote with a friend. It's the same quality as my story just a bit different of a format. :)


Not to sound rude or overstep your boundaries but do you plan to continue the techno X reader? 


@AAAAAAAAAHSpam well that good news! And that sucks believe me I know your pain. But it’s good to see your ok and we’ll! :))


@PotatoeRuler dw you're not being rude, I am *trying* to get back on both Wattpad and my account because this, obviously is my extra acc. Yeah  I have a chapter queued if I can log back in, so soon hopefully!!! :)


hey guys! I am taking down meant to be yours as Wilbur has said he feels uncomfy with romance and with x readers. I hope those who read the first two chaps. enjoyed them and if you leave suggestions I can start a new book (maybe a dream x reader?) soon! love yall!!!!


cannot believe I was thankin' yall for 20k so recently!!!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR 40K!!!! i promise that a server will exist soon (give me like 2 ish months maybe a few weeks more) and Ill try to update but less promise on that one. either way love ya!


lore leak for my readers because my life is a mess and I'm dead. Techno hates orphans because their constant reminders of his past. He wishes y/n could remember the moments they shared at the orphanage but also doesnt want her to remember the pain