
Hey guys. I know I haven't posted. Well I need motivation..... And to motivate me I need some followers more readers and more likes. Votes that's something else. Vote as you please. I'm just asking for some followers and likes. Thanks. Tootles!


Hey guys. I know I haven't posted. Well I need motivation..... And to motivate me I need some followers more readers and more likes. Votes that's something else. Vote as you please. I'm just asking for some followers and likes. Thanks. Tootles!


Hey guys! I'm not sure who has read my updates but I refuse to update after chapter 5-6 unless I can reach the goal of  15 reads, 25 comments, and 5 votes. I really hope you guys reach this fast because I have lots planned. I have 0 comments and votes and 14 reads so you guys need to start working faster. I will start writing the chapters however I will not post until I reach my goal. Thank you! ;) 
          P.S. I know you guys can do it. 
          P.P.S I need a name for you guys like I know Momma Shifter uses Shifters sooo..... Yah if you have an idea let me know. 


I also need some followers. Each chapter I will give a goal at the end if I don't get a certain amount of likes or follows I won't post the next chapter. Unless I decide that I really need to post. Anywho. Gotta keep planning! :) 


Hey guys! I've decided to start writing a story. I'm beginning to plan it today! It's gonna be called 'Alpha? Or Rogue?' I'll probably make a Prologue book as well that will give you the first chapter release date and the prologue. I can't wait to see if you like it! :)