Before people freak out, when I upload a chapter of one story, the next chapter of Dragon's Freedom is done and has been done for months, I am just holding on it as it has not been reviewed. You're likely going to see more updates to Fighting Chance than the other stories, primarily because it has 7 more chapters that need to be reviewed, however, as I have noted, the beta readers have their own lives. So while they take their time reviewing those chapters, I am working on the other stories, currently working on the next chapter of Resurgence, which I think you will see a little more character from some of the boyfriends, at least I hope to give them a little more character, not all of them are that bad.

@SkimReader07 I'm been patience about it I am not worried about when ur going to make more I always enjoy the stories keep it

I like it waht you are doing whit your story they all are treats if you upload a new Chapter i hopp you are healthy and thx for your work that you put in the Chapters have a nice day