
Before people freak out, when I upload a chapter of one story, the next chapter of Dragon's Freedom is done and has been done for months, I am just holding on it as it has not been reviewed. You're likely going to see more updates to Fighting Chance than the other stories, primarily because it has 7 more chapters that need to be reviewed, however, as I have noted, the beta readers have their own lives. So while they take their time reviewing those chapters, I am working on the other stories, currently working on the next chapter of Resurgence, which I think you will see a little more character from some of the boyfriends, at least I hope to give them a little more character, not all of them are that bad.


@SkimReader07 I'm been patience about it I am not worried about when ur going to make more I always enjoy the stories keep it


@ SkimReader07  glad to hear it I can't wait for the next chapter 


I like it waht you are doing whit your story they all are treats if you upload a new Chapter i hopp you are healthy and thx for your work that you put in the Chapters have a nice day


Before people freak out, when I upload a chapter of one story, the next chapter of Dragon's Freedom is done and has been done for months, I am just holding on it as it has not been reviewed. You're likely going to see more updates to Fighting Chance than the other stories, primarily because it has 7 more chapters that need to be reviewed, however, as I have noted, the beta readers have their own lives. So while they take their time reviewing those chapters, I am working on the other stories, currently working on the next chapter of Resurgence, which I think you will see a little more character from some of the boyfriends, at least I hope to give them a little more character, not all of them are that bad.


@SkimReader07 I'm been patience about it I am not worried about when ur going to make more I always enjoy the stories keep it


@ SkimReader07  glad to hear it I can't wait for the next chapter 


I like it waht you are doing whit your story they all are treats if you upload a new Chapter i hopp you are healthy and thx for your work that you put in the Chapters have a nice day


So let's see, we got fight scene in chapter 17 of FC, we got a mellow chapter in Resurgence, I believe chapter 21 of DF is mellow, but the next chapter of RC has the fight scene between Lightning and Kiba, which surprised me that is back to back chapters of fight scenes, but also new characters coming in. I may not have a put a picture of the guy, but some of you should be able to know the character, when you see the name. If I may also ask, what is your take on each story, how do you think the characters mature, not just Issei?


I do like how you've taken different approaches to the characters rather than having very similar things happen over all the stories, like how saji is both ends of the scales in the books, I like how he's maturing in resurgence with his approach to sona, in DF he's with her, in RC he's the scum of the earth and in FC he seems to be more of a leader in the student council, making people open their eyes, he's matured quicker than those around him and isn't afraid to correct people, 
            But not just saji, am looking forward to seeing how gasper is introduced in FC, he's one of my favourite characters in the light novels in how he progresses, I've loved how you've taken him in DF and resurgance.


@Deoladen You need to be more specific, how is he preachy and whiny? I don't recall him preaching to anyone, only thing he does is take in advice from those that are training him.


@SkimReader07 in fc id say most of the characters are doing really well or at least the ones that are getting more spotlight which is understandable id say the issei is the only one that bothers me he's been very preachy and whiny imo , I can understand why but I usually just skip those parts. As for resurgence that was my favorite for awhile but it took a step behind fc the characters seem to be changing in interesting ways some I think will do better going forward and some will faulter or completely fall


Does unpublishing a story remove it from one's reading list?


@SkimReader07 It could happen. But, There are other things. For example, account deletion where the author who created the story intends to delete his account. So, all his stories are deleted. Or it could even be deleted by Wattpad where one of the stories violates the terms that we often make which causes Wattpad to block and delete our account.


@SkimReader07 I don't really know why I'd get blocked, since I never talked to those authors?


@SkimReader07 I didn't even think of that lol but yes that's also a strong possibility 


I didn't know that it was toxic to correct someone about a misconception, apparently, when someone puts that the Trihexa is the Dragon of the Apocalypse, and you correct them that it is Great Red because that is his title, the Apocalypse Dragon, it's toxic, who knew.


To many soft people nowadays so easily triggered and quick to call others toxic when  they're stuck in their feelings at the end of the day it's just words on the Internet that truly hold no meaning at all kinda funny if you sit back and think about it 


@ Shin_Kirihara if I did sound insulting about I am sorry, I didn't want to I was trying to understand what was happening 


@ Shin_Kirihara  I see


How disappointing of myself, man, I got lazy, took me a damn month to finish a chapter. It's not even as long as chapter 29 of Red Conqueror and I did that in two weeks. I guess that is what happens when you get distracted by games and anime.


@SkimReader07 your good. I do like your story's


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@SkimReader07 that's the most adhd shit ever as one who also has it I find that hilarious but also it's ok man


@SkimReader07 or a 40 hour work schedule 


Uh, I guess since they were just introduced, I can't really ask for thoughts on the new characters, huh


@SkimReader07 that’s what I thought as well while those three are good sword fighters oh erm while two are good at sword fighting and one is good at scissor fighting idk…..they won’t fit well in this scenario at all like akame does.


@HarpNoteOfResilience Seraphim from Is This a Zombie? As I mentioned, I don't really have a fit for the other characters mentioned, there's more of a connection for Akame than those characters.


@SkimReader07 I might have completely missed it out then since I only read it once normally I read twice or thrice and I believe you will figure it out I personally think she is a wonderful addition the only other person I can even think of if it wasn’t her was probably Ryuuko,Saeko or seraphim but I personally think she is great like I mentioned like how issei and “him” have their similarities with the way act and talk when they are embarrassed oh lot of emotional acts oh I am gonna enjoy what you are cooking…… kids sure have a word for everything these days……I am never saying that again.


Told you that new characters would be incoming and they still are and no, I will not say which story and also don't ask for updates of when a chapter will come out. Maybe Akeno x Issei shippers may like the next chapter of Fighting Chance, but I'm not sure if anyone has been paying attention to what Issei has been saying.


@SkimReader07 Just take the repeated asking for a Chapter in stride. It just shows how much the Work of you and your Beta-Readers is appreciated ;-)


@SkimReader07 Fighting Chance is the best DxD story yet and Issei is amazing!
            Hope to be pushing more chapters on my story just like you bro 


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@SkimReader07 Some people just don’t understand the word patience. It’s a shame because I wanted to write a HSDxD story myself but I didn’t for two reasons. 1. I’ll have to deal with people asking for updates. 2. I can’t write for shit.


New characters incoming


@SkimReader07 that is a very good point haha  think my eagerness overtook me and my fingers activated before my brain, do wanna say thank you for your stories though I look forward to reading them 


@KirkGood You contradicted yourself, you appreciate something and then go against it by asking, tsk, tsk.


I know you don't do spoilers and appreciate that :-) but which story is the new character for? 