
I’m 20- I feel so old :,) 


Omg happy birthday!!! Also welcome to the 20s club, when you get fat easier and you start feeling back pain for no reason 


I’m 20- I feel so old :,) 


Omg happy birthday!!! Also welcome to the 20s club, when you get fat easier and you start feeling back pain for no reason 


Sometimes I really wish I could turn comments off on certain chapters - certain comments makes me want to stop writing all together. 
          I wish people would just skip a chapter, instead of typing whatever nasty comment they can think off. 
          I’m not forcing you to read my stories. I write for myself and what I want to write, unless it’s a request. 
          Don’t get me wrong, everyone is different and we all have different tastes, but sometimes words can be misleading and very hurtful.


@SkippoRitto The solution is simple, just report their accounts and make sure to keep doing so until they eventually stop.


Ok so, who do I need to punch? No cuz seriously some people are just mean these days and lord knows you don’t deserve it. Your writing is amazing, and yes there are some chapters that have kinks that I find weird or unusual, but I don’t place a hateful comment just cuz I find it weird. I feel for you and I hope you’re doing ok! Please keep on writing and bringing us amazing stories! Sending much love ❤️❤️❤️


im sorry u feel that way, i think ur stories are perfect and u should just ignore those comments


Just wanted to let you guys know, that I’m gonna work on finishing some of the requests I’ve gotten. Some dates back all the way to September last year, and as most of you know I’ve dealt with a lot lately, so I haven’t gotten around to it. But I’ll try starting at the bottom and making my way up, so if you’ve recently requested something, it might still take a little bit. I’m so sorry for the long wait to all of you who’ve been waiting all those months. I’ll message you when I’ve posted your request, so you know which is yours. And to those I won’t write, I’ll let you know as well.
          Thank you for your patience!
          Have a good one <3


@SkippoRitto sending love, you got this <3 take your time!


Hey everyone, I'm sorry for the lack of updates on all my stories lately. I know it's been months since I last posted, and for that I apologize; I've been struggling with writer's block for a while now and even when I have an idea, for some reason it's still hard to actually write it down. 
          Ofc I'm not going to stop writing, because I love doing it, but the updates might continue to be slow every now and then.. as if they haven't always been..


That’s okay! We’ll all still wait patiently for it, take your time and don’t rush your work. We’d rather read a carefully crafted piece then something you rushed out just for the sake of posting. Sending much love! ❤️❤️


hi lovely i love your one shots book so much and i absolutely adore the little state of mind ones as well i don’t agree with anything anyone is saying you don’t deserve the hate i do have a suggestion if your willing to hear it i don’t know if i might be more difficult but what about making a separate book for just a little state of mind and the keeping the they book for anything else ether way thank you for writing the things you do <3