
My first Life is Strange book, The Girl Who Rewinds Time, has reached 30k reads. That is amazing! Thank you so much.


1 year ago today, I finally released Leaving Arcadia Bay | A Rachel Amber Story. It was so good to finally get this story out for people to read since I wanted to release it for the longest time. I wrote the first few chapters, but I didn’t know where to take it next, so I let it sit in my drafts. I eventually came back to it and started writing again. Once I finished writing the story, it was finally time to hit that publish button. Since then, it’s gotten over 800 reads. Thank you for reading Leaving Arcadia Bay | A Rachel Amber Story.


here is an idea for a new book. Not too long after Life after Arcada's epilogue, Daniel and Taylor are going to get married and kate, warren, victoria, courtney, and pricefield are celebrating this event at daniels home and Taylor announces that she is going to have a baby. Everyone is so happy. However, the next day a letter arrives at his home and It is from his father who is dying in hospital from an illness and wishes to see his son to help himself feel better before dying. Daniel, taylor and chloe and max go off on this trip for daniel and for daniel to finally ask his father why he did what he did. It all ends with Daniel/taylor having a baby girl, next after a little time max/chloe get married and a year later Daniel and Taylor finally get married.  soon the four move into a new town not really far from emily's house and live five house apart from eachother and chloe and max have kids as well.


Thanks for the idea! It’s very good. I really like it! 


anyway, let me know what you think.