Ok, hopefully that got your attention. :) Anyways, I'm having a really bad dilemma. So, I LOVE playing basketball, and being on the team, and I play point guard this year too, so yay! But (quick rundown of my life) I just came as a high school freshmen to a completely new school district, and all the girls on the team have played with each other before. As Melinda says in "Speak", "I am Outsider". I am The Outsider. Some of the girls im fine with, others i get the "I don't like you because you stole my position" vibe. The latter is the majority. Not to mention that they all think our coach favours me simply because he doesn't yell at me because I'M ALWAYS WHERE I'M SUPPOSED TO BE.
*deep breath*
Anyways, I like being part of a tean, having fun, and WINNING. All of them. And right now, I'm getting the opposite of all of those. And I'm not emotionally wimpy either. But spending two hours everyday with people who ignore your existence simply because they don't like you...screw it. Also, for those of you wondering, I'm not a shy person either. So it's not a daily occurance that I'm ignored. Also, social media is out of the question for why they dislike me because I don't have any social media. Har har, I wonder what crap they talk about me on snapchat or instagram.
And if I continue with basketball, I have to give up the musical, and I am a very musical person and it's one of my favorite musicals of all time. (Its The Music Man).
To quit, or not to quit...that is the question...