Okay, first of all, this is not an update and second
Third, next week, I will have to take my final exam. *sigh* so I probably won't update for a while.
Forth of all I'm going to be grade 10 after I passed the test and that means only a year until I'm of to university so I have to study, like tons...argh! I hate test, why does the government have make us do some stupid exam that doesn't even use in real life! Like come on, do you have to use momentum or finding possibility from math in your life? Okay the engineer have to use the momentum. But come on! Do you have to use every single knowledge you've learnt in your life?
Oh like if you gonna buy a candy and you have to find how many way or shop you, there 6 shops and each have 3 different candies so there 18 ways to buy candy. Heck no!
And fifth of all, wait I don't have fifth. Anyway, *sigh* that much matter. Sorry for the venting but seriously examination sucks.
Thankyou for reading my stupid vent.