
Dear all, 
          	I know I haven't been around for a while- many many interesting things have been going on. However I will try to be more active over the summer, although I doubt there will be any more parts added to the Ask book. But I will try to be more responsive from now on, at least for a little while. 


@SkulduggeryP Why hello Skeleton Detective.


Niid, alright. After repeated attempt, Jean's sorted out that she can't come up with a single witty thing to say, and has now caused herself to break down emotionally, being poetic is hell on the heart. 
          I'm aware this won't be noticed, so let's just say, I love you, intensely and platonically. You've fixed so many broken parts of me (though, that's mainly because of Kassidy), and distracted me from the hell that's this world. I don't know if I could ever thank you, or Kassidy, or Valkyrie enough for that.


Dear all, 
          I know I haven't been around for a while- many many interesting things have been going on. However I will try to be more active over the summer, although I doubt there will be any more parts added to the Ask book. But I will try to be more responsive from now on, at least for a little while. 


@SkulduggeryP Why hello Skeleton Detective.


Dear All,
          In light of recent events, I am going to try and make a concertive effort to join you on this website more regularly- perhaps every friday evening. I feel as though there has been a lot of unnecessary conflict going unchecked, and a lot of confusion. The chances are I won't be able to spend masses of time online, but enough to make sure all is in order.
          Until next week
          S. Pleasant


@SkulduggeryP It seems that you've fallen off the face of the planet by accident.