
this message may be offensive
I'm shit at updating ik, I just haven't had any inspiration or motivation.
          	My idea is to write a few chapters at once and post them all at the same time to make up for it. When will that happen? Idk.
          	Stay strong, readers xx


Hi kimmie, I love your work and I read through most of them. Someone I kow recommended you and decided to make me guess what your username was giving me only 'Sky' as a thing to go on. I finally got some more hints. Sky colour fruit. My first guess was SkyBlueStrawberry. This made them giggle so I knew immediately it had to be SkyBlueBanana.
          Glad I got it.
          Love your works xx


this message may be offensive
I'm shit at updating ik, I just haven't had any inspiration or motivation.
          My idea is to write a few chapters at once and post them all at the same time to make up for it. When will that happen? Idk.
          Stay strong, readers xx