
Hey guys, you're officially allowed to kill me because I've been off for months now and I just felt soooooooo damn guilty for not doing anything for the past I don't know how long months. 
          	So first I've been writing another story believe it or not and I'm kinda digging it. But this notice is not about me trying to give lame reasons why I can't upload another chapter, no I'm gonna say it. I'm a massive procrastinator like I have all the plot and story line planned in my mind but I just can't get my self to work. I am a horrible human being. 
          	I'm not giving any promises, but I am grateful for your cooperation because it means a lot to me. Please leave a comment anywhere, like?, share? Vote? Yeah okay don't be shy thanks! X


Hey guys, you're officially allowed to kill me because I've been off for months now and I just felt soooooooo damn guilty for not doing anything for the past I don't know how long months. 
          So first I've been writing another story believe it or not and I'm kinda digging it. But this notice is not about me trying to give lame reasons why I can't upload another chapter, no I'm gonna say it. I'm a massive procrastinator like I have all the plot and story line planned in my mind but I just can't get my self to work. I am a horrible human being. 
          I'm not giving any promises, but I am grateful for your cooperation because it means a lot to me. Please leave a comment anywhere, like?, share? Vote? Yeah okay don't be shy thanks! X


hey Im in love with the shatter me series I absolutely love kenji but adam I hated during the second part part of the book 1 at first he seamed as hot as taylor lotner t th en he became ugly justin Bieber but now I like him but thumbs up for warner I would die just if he was real and kenji (can't wait until the shatter me show comes out on abc):):):) ):):):) love abc 


@emmybop I am on team warner and jacob


@emmybop Hahahaha back to the old Edward and Jacob fight. But seriously come on Team Warner


@emmybop your thinking what I'm thinking  I lkve adam my friend s disagree with me but I think it is going to be like he rivery about Edward  and jacob


I'm sorry to say this but I know I can't leave you guys alone. So, I've been extremely busy for World Scholarscup, it's a international debate and essay thing (just search it up at Google), anyway I've been so busy learning because I made it to the Championship and I will go to Malaysia for it. Plus I have exams coming up. You all probably guessed what this note is about, sorry, I will not be updating for at least 1 more week.  
          So so so so sorry, I truly am sorry. I wish I could've finish this story sooner. Love you guys! Don't stop reading, and finally I- I- I just love you guys.


I know I should've have done this way earlier and probably in the future this post will be meaning less (I hope! Because that means my reads will increase) yeah so... I just wanted to say I reached 1k reads! I can't believe it! Someone actually read my story! That was my reaction... Thank you thank you thank you so much for those who actually follow every chapter and reads it, because every read mean a lot from me.
          Sorry for my grammar or spelling mistakes, I know I always have that as a problem, so finger crossed for a better English. Thank you guys once again for making me so happy every time I open wattpad!