Hello, I know that this crazy woman has disappeared for a long time.
Do not worry I am still alive, breathing and everything, I hope you all are doing alright in this pandemic thing, and that you all are safe.
Last I made a notification my little brother broke his elbow and I was in a new full time job. The things got crazy at the office with the outbreak of the virus, first I was supposed to work from home but had to go back to work in another department due to covering a coworker, and had to go back to the office... again. Well, even now I still work at it.
Don't worry guys, there are not many of us in there. We are divided in our certain departments and work stations, with a distance of 2 m, from each others desk. (we are 40 crazy bastards in office, 10 in my dep, I am surprised the building is still standing LMAO)
My vacations are around the corner, so get ready. XD