
Kids, we made 100 views at my first book!! I wanna say thanks to all of you♡♡ Without your support I couldn't make it that far. This is an amazing thing for me and I'm grateful to all of you beautiful human beings♡ Stay close and take care! :*


Kids, we made 100 views at my first book!! I wanna say thanks to all of you♡♡ Without your support I couldn't make it that far. This is an amazing thing for me and I'm grateful to all of you beautiful human beings♡ Stay close and take care! :*


hei. merci de follow. citesti cv? :)


@BloodAndDeathHDDD  oh, ambele sunt shorturi :)) 
            Ehh..sper sa iti placa si sa imi lasi o parere cand le vei citi :)) 
            Multumesc :)


@Claudeea Heyy. Cu placere. De la tine mi-am propus sa citesc "Militarii" si "Puterea de a renunta" Le-am adaugat in biblioteca, dar din pacate nu prea am timp sa le citesc. Dar ma atrag genul acesta de povestiri. Si imi pot da seama ca esti o scriitoare destul de buna din pasajele pe care am apucat sa le citesc. Bafta in continuare!