
Damn it's been a while-
          	I'm back! 
          	And I rewrote Afraid of Love bc it was cringe so I'm slowly fixing it. Also it will actually have an ending rather then just kinda.. stopping one day... heh.


@SkyTheAsexualotl13 well why didn’t it give me the notifikation *sob*


@Moxlikesbananas I did before I disappeared, but it was a while ago. I apologize if I missed anything


Hi man kan i vent to you?


@SkyTheAsexualotl13 did u ever respond kuz if so it didn’t give it to me


@SkyTheAsexualotl13 k, also don’t mind if it sends the same msg over and ovet


@Moxlikesbananas Don't know when I'll be able to respond, I'm on wattpad pretty periodically, but I'll try to respond


Damn it's been a while-
          I'm back! 
          And I rewrote Afraid of Love bc it was cringe so I'm slowly fixing it. Also it will actually have an ending rather then just kinda.. stopping one day... heh.


@SkyTheAsexualotl13 well why didn’t it give me the notifikation *sob*


@Moxlikesbananas I did before I disappeared, but it was a while ago. I apologize if I missed anything


this message may be offensive
My step dad: I don't give a shit anymore, fall flat on your face, I don't care.
          Literally a day later: I want them to write every little thing they have to do today and make them have to check it off so that they get everything done.


So I'm starting a D&D campaign sometime in the summer and I'm wondering (since I've never done this before) is this an okay amount of countries or should I add more?
          Tashik (Tah-shee-k) - A country more southern on the continent. They have their own language (Tashikan) which gives them a southern accent in other languages. They're short compared to the rest of the continent and they typically have darker skin tones and hair colors.
          Alanae (Ah-lah-nae) - A country to the far north, isolated from the rest of the continent by a huge mountain range. They have their own language (Alanaean) in which they put emphasis on every other syllable which gives a very strange accent in other languages. They're very tall compared to others on the continent and their skin tones are typically very white or light blues and purples with hair colors of dark and light "natural" shades
          Tsabal (Ts-ah-ball) - Smack in the middle of north and south, but set on the western coast. They're having a war with an unnamed country on the newly discovered second continent. They have their own language (Tsaballan) and their skin tones are typically light brown and their hair are typically shades of green and brown
          Matanal (Mah-tah-nahl) - A chain of three islands off the western coast. They're more of a trading hub than a proper nation and therefore don't have their own language, more of a mash-up of the languages of all those who live there. Matanal has strange rules about population and due to how nationality works in Matanal, no one is allowed to be born there without express permission from the current Emperor.
          I also already have some language rules set down even if I'm not crazy enough to actually make my own languages lol


My five year old niece: I want waaaterrrrr
          Me: I told you you can have it with dinner in a few minutes
          Neice *tearing up*: But all I want it is water!
          Me: which you can have with dinner
          Her: but I can't waaaaiiiitttt
          Me: You've been waiting while we've been arguing, you can wait a few minutes for water
          Her *face on the floor, banging her feet on the floor*: All I want is waterrrrr! I just want water! I can't wait!! Please don't make me wait!!
          Me: Girl, I promise you, you can have water with dinner.
          Her: *continues to throw a tantrum* 
          Jesus Christ, this is why I'm not having kids LOL


Ayo so I've been wanting to make pride stuff for my queer friends for pride month, what would be cute to make? If it turns out I'm dumb and don't know how to make it, I'll just make a lil flag, but I was thinking of making lil jellyfish based off their flag? Or queer bees with their flag maybe? Although I'd need to get something to stuff them. What do y'all think?


Aww that’s adorable! I actually have a pair of tiny ace and aro flag octopi that a school friend crocheted for me so that’s kind of similar 
            Well, you’ve got time to figure it out at least since pride month is six months away 