
Hey everyone, i know i haven't really updated here in a long while. I've been horrendously busy with real life stuff. Though if you're interested in reading some more stuff from me, I and a few friends of mine started a page recently where we'll be posting One-shots and full stories on. Would heavily appreciate it if you dropped a follow!
          	We're still not sure if we're gonna start a wattpad account though, so for now these two places are where you'll be able to find us.


Hey everyone, i know i haven't really updated here in a long while. I've been horrendously busy with real life stuff. Though if you're interested in reading some more stuff from me, I and a few friends of mine started a page recently where we'll be posting One-shots and full stories on. Would heavily appreciate it if you dropped a follow!
          We're still not sure if we're gonna start a wattpad account though, so for now these two places are where you'll be able to find us.


I've been reading a lot on here again, and i don't know why i never thought of doing what he did, he wrote an entire 'season' of a book then he started posting weekly, that gives enough time to write another season without having to crunch time. Jesus that's smart.


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Yo, i'm just here for a slight update.
          I suddenly disappeared again after saying i would start updating frequently, i have no idea if i will continue my stories or not, for now? i have no plans to. If i do get spurts of inspiration i might write a bit, no promises though. Since i have my hands full currently i'm studying to become an I.T software engineer, and i'm being taught a bunch of shit and i feel like my brain is about to burst. 
          Anywho, i am back on wattpad though, will be reading on here again, so you might hear from me. That's about all i've got, see you guys


Man i find you in almost every RWBY story i read lmfao 


Oh and "Grab it by the throat" by Dracopyre another really really good author. 


@Ferrus10K Yeah, uh a really good one is "My altered life" it's a gilgamesh reader x dxd book by TheAnimeManOfYeet really good author! 


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@ Sky_Takahashi  Shit really? I used to read the hell out of those as well but I barely remember the show now, recommend any?


This is a reminder for my dumb self, first chapter i'll be posting again after a million years will be on January 7th (For me, so 8th for Americans.) and will hopefully be consistent every week from then on.


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Wait fuck am i high...i forget, is America ahead of Philippines in time or- if not then... 6th? for americans? idk man Just, whatever timezone the Philippines is. 7th for the Pinoys. 